Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Devotion to the Eucharist and the Mass

Becoming Traditional has brought me a greater respect for Jesus Christ and his Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist. Today, less than half of the Catholics in the United States believe that Jesus is truly Present and many view the Eucharist as simply a symbol. Honestly, it doesn't surprise me much. So many parishes emphasize the communal meal aspect of the Mass and they don't mention the Real Presence at all. I was 19-years-old before I ever encountered Adoration. I had never thought about being able to just sit there, and be with Jesus like that and pray. It was a total revelation to me, and a wonderful one.

The Mass itself had never been a time mostly of prayer for me. When I attended Novus Ordo, Mass was a time of struggling not to be distracted. The songs used in the typical Novus Ordo Mass often detract from the spirit of prayer that Mass should ideally have. Trying to pray during a Novus Ordo is hard because the music is distracting. They are trying to take secular styles of music that are designed for entertainment (ie rock and roll) and place it in the context of Mass. Why do this when we have a genre of music that came about in order to inspire people in prayer? Why do we try to jump through hoops to place rock music in the Mass when we have Gregorian Chant? Chant was designed to help place people in a more prayerful state of mind.

Another thing that has helped me greatly is receiving kneeling, at the altar rail, on the tongue. This had strengthened my respect for the Eucharist and has helped me to realize more fully that the Eucharist is something set apart from ordinary things. It is not bread is Jesus, fully and completely. He must be treated with respect...and the Eucharist is truly Him.

Wearing a skirt and chapel veil in church stems from respect for the Eucharist. No, these things are not required of me. No, I will not force them on someone else, but I will say that they are an outward symbol of my respect for my Lord. I love Him, and I want to show that love and respect in an outward manner. My veil allows me to do this. I would not greet the President of the United States in torn up jeans, and I will not greet my Lord in them either.

I always, every day (even when I don't go to Mass) take the opportunity to thank Jesus for giving us the Eucharist. It is a Sacrament, and this means that it gives us Grace straight from God. This means that it is something that deserves our greatful devotion and thanks!